The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.41


JsonSQL distribution. A collection of modules for generating safe SQL from JSON strings.
Defines an error object to be used at various stages of JSON validation and SQL generation.
JsonSQL::Param::Condition object. This is a base class used to derive subclasses for parsing condition statements.
A dispatcher module that parses condition statements to create the appropriate JsonSQL Condition objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Conditions::EnumCondition object. Subclass for parsing enum conditions (ex: 'in', 'ni', etc).
JsonSQL::Param::Conditions::LogicCondition object. Subclass for parsing logic conditions (ex: 'and', 'or', etc).
JsonSQL::Param::Conditions::NullCondition object. Subclass for parsing null conditions.
JsonSQL::Param::Conditions::RangeCondition object. Subclass for parsing range conditions.
JsonSQL::Param::Conditions::TestCondition object. Subclass for parsing test conditions (ex: 'eq', 'gt', etc).
JsonSQL::Param::Field object. Stores a Perl representation of an SQL field expression for use in JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Fields object. Stores an array of JsonSQL::Param::Field objects to use for constructing JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Insert object. Stores a Perl representation of an INSERT statement used by the JsonSQL Insert query object.
JsonSQL::Param::InsertValues object. Stores a Perl representation of the VALUES parameter of an INSERT statement.
JsonSQL::Param::Join object. Stores a Perl representation of an SQL join expression for use in JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Joins object. Stores an array of JsonSQL::Param::Join objects to use for constructing JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Order object. Stores a Perl representation of an SQL ORDER BY clause for use in JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::OrderBy object. Stores an array of JsonSQL::Param::Order objects to use for constructing JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Table object. Stores a Perl representation of an SQL table expression for use in JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Param::Tables object. Stores an array of JsonSQL::Param::Table objects to use for constructing JsonSQL::Query objects.
JsonSQL::Query::Insert object. Stores a Perl representation of a set of INSERT statements created from a JSON string.
JSON query base class. Provides the quote_identifier method for escaping table and column identifiers.
JsonSQL::Query::Select object. Stores a Perl representation of a SELECT statement created from a JSON string.
JSON schema base class. Used as a dispatcher for loading JSON schema objects used by JsonSQL::Validator.
JsonSQL 'insert' JSON schema.
JsonSQL 'select' JSON schema.
JSON schema validation module. Returns a JsonSQL::Validator object for validating a JSON string against a pre-defined schema.